What the heck have the Independents achieved?

Zoe Daniels - Independent MP for GoldsteinAndrew Wilkie - Independent MP for Clark Sophie Scamps - Independent MP for Mackellar Zali Steggall - Independent MP for WarringahKylea Tink - Independent MP for North SydneyHelen Haines - Independent MP for IndiMonique Ryan - Independent MP for Kooyong David Pocock - Independent Senator for the ACT senateKate Chaney - Independent MP for Curtin Allegra Spender - Independent MP for Wentworth

Independents have helped deliver:

  • 🌍
    The strongest climate action in a decade
  • 👩🏽‍⚖️
    The National Anti-Corruption Commission
  • ⛔️
    Stronger penalties for politicians behaving badly
  • ⚡️
    Twice the amount of clean energy into our grid (82% by 2030!)
  • 🚰
    Water protection from gas fracking
  • 🌲
    Support for landowners to invest in nature conservation
  • 🚗
    Cleaner cars for the Australian market
  • 🏡
    Direct support for households to be more energy efficient
  • 🏄🏼
    Stopping offshore oil and gas drilling between Sydney and Newcastle
  • 🧑‍🎓
    Billions wiped off student debt
  • 👩🏻‍🍼
    Better wages for childcare workers
  • 👭
    The most women in parliament on record

Oh yeah, not bad.
What else, though?

Well, they’re not done yet!

This is what they’re fighting for 🥊

  • 📣
    Stronger protections for whistleblowers
  • 🫥
    Greater transparency over lobbyists
  • 🗳️
    Stopping vote buying through pork barreling
  • 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽
    Ending ‘jobs for mates’ culture
  • 🤥
    Banning parties lying in their political advertising material
  • 🐠
    Protection for WA’s Stott Reef and the Northern Territory from major gas projects
  • 💸
    Rules to stop multinational companies avoiding tax
  • 📉
    More ambitious targets for cutting pollution
  • 🔥
    Phasing out coal, oil and gas projects
  • 🪵
    A new federal agency to stop illegal land clearing
  • 👶🏼
    Stronger environmental impact considerations for future generations
  • 🧸
    Cheaper childcare and longer parental leave
  • 🎰
    An end to gambling and junk food ads

Yeah cool, but give me more detail

Fighting Corruption 😈🥊

Here’s what they’ve helped achieve 👇

National Anti-Corruption Commission:

Led by Independent MPs Cathy McGowan and Helen Haines, Australia now has a federal watchdog tasked with investigating corruption at the highest level.

See SMH ,“Once in a generation’ reform: Haines pushes for integrity body to have broader powers” (August 2022)

Stronger penalties for parliamentary misconduct:

From fines to removal from committees or even suspension, bad behaviour in Parliament now comes at a real cost.

Details in News.com, “Badly behaving MPs to face tough new penalties under new laws (August 2024)

What they’re still fighting for 👇

Protection for whistleblowers

Transparency over lobbyists

Transparency over political donations

Stopping pork barreling

Ending ‘jobs for mates’

So people with the best experience get the important public jobs, not those with the best connections

See Women’s Agenda – “Dr Sophie Scamps introduces new plan to end ‘jobs for mates’ in politics” (March 2023)

Banning lies in paid political ads

Cleaning up pollution 💩🧹

Here’s what they’ve helped achieve 👇

Legislated climate action

Cut emissions from the biggest polluters

Doubled the renewable energy target

New policies to accelerate investment in renewable energy are helping us transition our grid to be 82% renewable by 2030.

See RenewEconomy, “Tidal wave” of big batteries and record solar and wind put 2030 renewables target within reach” (December 2024)

Helped landowners invest in nature conservation

Protected water from gas fracking

he federal environment minister now has to approve gas projects if they impact precious water (adding accountability)

See The Guardian, “Pressure mounts on Tanya Plibersek to assess water impacts of NT Beetaloo Basin fracking project” (June 2024)

Got cleaner and more efficient cars to Australia

Better standards for new cars means we will prevent up to 20 million tonnes of pollution by 2030 and save drivers up to $10,000

See Climate Council, “10 things you should know about Fuel Efficiency Standards” (May 2024)

Helped households with energy efficiency upgrades

Banned oil and gas off the NSW coast

The controversial Pep-11 project is now banned by state and federal governments

See Northern Beaches Advocate, “Commonwealth kills Pep-11” (January 2025)

What they’re still fighting for 👇

More ambition for cutting pollution

A new federal agency to stop illegal land clearing

Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek and the crossbench negotiated hard to deliver a strong bill (which fell over in the Senate when the Prime Minister took it off the table)

See The Australian “Greens and Senate crossbenchers want deal on Environment Protection Australia” (September 2024).

Stronger environmental impact considerations for future generations

David Pocock co-sponsored a bill presented by young people, asking politicians to recognise the impact their decisions on future generations

See the Duty of Care Bill website

An end to new gas drilling

A number of Independent MPs are asking for an end to new gas projects, including Middle Arm in the Northern Territory and Woodside’s offshore gas project threatening Stott Reef

See The Australian, “Hung parliament would see huge pressure on gas” (August 2024).

But that’s not all! They’ve supported:

And they’re also fighting for

News article by Sky News: Independent MP Kylea Tink is calling on the Albanese government to implement better fuel efficiency standards to relieve cost of living pressures.
"There's a number of things the government can do straight away that will have an immediate impact on cost of living," Ms Tink told Sky News Australia.News article by The Mandarin: Prominent crossbenchers are hitting out at the federal
government's increasing lack of transparency and accountability despite its election promises.News article by The Sydney Morning Herald: A strong and independent National Anti-Corruption Commission stands out as the biggest integrity reform in a generation.News article by The Australian: Teal MPs will take a 75 per cent by 2035 emissions reduction target to the next electionNews article by The Canberra Times: Labor's climate bill passes lower house as teals secure more tweaksNews article by The Conversation: Teal Kylea Tink proposes expanding the safeguard mechanism to cover more of the economyNews article by Sydney Morning Herald: 'Once in a generation' reform: Haines pushes for integrity body to have broader powersNews article by ABC News: Clean Up Politics Bill:
'There's 15 lobbyists for every politician: Monique
Ryan seeks crackdownNews article by Women's Agenda: Dr Sophie Scamps introduces new plan to end 'jobs for mates' in politicsNews article by ABC News: Senator David Pocock is on a mission to hold Canberra to account — and he won't stop with the Department of DefenceNews article by Crikey: 'There's no price to pay': Zali Steggall pushes to criminalise lying in political ads