Led by Independent MPs Cathy McGowan and Helen Haines, Australia now has a federal watchdog tasked with investigating corruption at the highest level.
From fines to removal from committees or even suspension, bad behaviour in Parliament now comes at a real cost.
Details in News.com, “Badly behaving MPs to face tough new penalties under new laws (August 2024)
So people can report corruption without getting punished
See HRLC, “Crossbench bill paves the way for landmark whistleblower protections” (February 2025).
So we know who is trying to influence politicians, and why
So we know who is funding political campaigns
See ABC 7.30 – “Teal independents calling for transparency in the electoral system” (November 2023)
So governments stop wasting money trying to buy votes
So people with the best experience get the important public jobs, not those with the best connections
So politicians and political entities can’t lie to you
See AFR, “Teals to demand truth in advertising laws in hung parliament” (January 2025)
A legislated target for cutting pollution and building a roadmap to net-zero by 2050
The biggest companies need to cut their pollution by 5% each year
New policies to accelerate investment in renewable energy are helping us transition our grid to be 82% renewable by 2030.
Landowners can earn money doing biodiversity and conservation work
he federal environment minister now has to approve gas projects if they impact precious water (adding accountability)
Better standards for new cars means we will prevent up to 20 million tonnes of pollution by 2030 and save drivers up to $10,000
See Climate Council, “10 things you should know about Fuel Efficiency Standards” (May 2024)
With support to buy cleaner electric appliances, cutting pollution and energy bills
The controversial Pep-11 project is now banned by state and federal governments
See Northern Beaches Advocate, “Commonwealth kills Pep-11” (January 2025)
A 75% emissions reduction cut by 2030, let’s go!
Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek and the crossbench negotiated hard to deliver a strong bill (which fell over in the Senate when the Prime Minister took it off the table)
See The Australian “Greens and Senate crossbenchers want deal on Environment Protection Australia” (September 2024).
David Pocock co-sponsored a bill presented by young people, asking politicians to recognise the impact their decisions on future generations
A number of Independent MPs are asking for an end to new gas projects, including Middle Arm in the Northern Territory and Woodside’s offshore gas project threatening Stott Reef
See The Australian, “Hung parliament would see huge pressure on gas” (August 2024).